
Norwegian Language Course

Norwegian Language Course

19.8.2024 18:00
Østre Aker vei 24

We have space available for the Norwegian course next semester. Classes start in mid-August (expected 19.08.2024). Classes are held on Mondays and selected Saturdays, partly online and partly in physical meetings. The first Mondayclass will also be a physical meeting.


Mondays18:00 - 20:45 (3 x 45 minutes), online, Zoom, link

Saturdays10:00 – 14:00 (4 x 45 minutes), physical meetings at Østre Aker vei 24


Classes are free for union members (avdeling is paying for the cours), but if someone has been in the union for more than 3 years, we ask that they apply for a LO scholarship and send us money (after receiving the scholarship) to partiallyfund the course.


if your club members would like to participatein a Norwegian language course next semester, have them fill out the application questionnaire found at this link

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