The annual report is ready!

The annual report is ready!

The association's report for 2023 will be sent out to all members.

Fellesforbundet avd 600 Bygningsarbeidernes will hold its annual meeting (part 2) on 24 April, and the board has considered the report for 2023. It has been approved and will be recommended to the annual meeting. The annual report is printed and sent to the members well in advance of the annual meeting. It will probably be in the mailboxes during week 15.

This year, as in previous years, this is an extensive printed matter of 36 content-rich pages. In addition to the "ordinary" reporting items, such as the professional-political situation, membership statistics and other overviews, we have found room for small and large articles that reflect the association's activity. Many of these have previously been published in Bygningsarbeideren, on the website or on Facebook. In addition, there are plenty of piecework statistics and also an overview of all new skilled workers.

We believe the annual report gives a good expression of the great activity the association has had in 2023, and it will be interesting reading material, not only for the association's members, but for all union activists.

The accounts for 2023 will be presented at the annual meeting.

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